Course Search Panel Controls

Control Description
Display Click the down arrow to display the list of choices. Click one of the choices to select it as a search filter.
  • All Courses - all courses for the selected enrollment and term, not necessarily part of the program, are included in the search. If you are eligible to register for courses outside of your program, this setting will allow them to be displayed.
  • Required - limits the search to courses that are required on your degree audit for the selected enrollment and term
  • Elective - limits the search to courses that are elective for the selected enrollment and term
Sort by Click the down arrow to display the list of choices. Click one of the choices to select it as a search filter.
  • Default - courses are sorted by the system default (selected by the System Administrator)
  • Course Code - courses are sorted by the course code
  • Title - courses are sorted by the course title
  • Credits - courses are sorted by the credits to be earned for that course.
  • Type - courses are sorted by the course type.
  • Status - courses are sorted by the course status.
Areas of Study Click the down arrow to display the list of choices. Click one of the choices to select it as a search filter.
Keyword Enter a keyword to filter your search. For example, entering "math" would display in the Search Results panel only courses with math in their keyword list.
Code Enter a partial or full course code to filter your search. For example, entering "GD" might display all courses for Graphics Design.
Type Enter the course type: lecture, lab, or online. For example, entering "Lab" would display all courses taught in a laboratory. Leaving this field blank allows courses of all three types to appear.
Level Click the down arrow to display the list of choices. Click one of the choices to select it as a searc
Instructor Enter an instructor's name or initial to filter your search. For example, entering "Jo" would display in the Search Results panel only courses starting with Jo, such as Jones, Johnson, and Johansen.
Week days Select the days of the week to include or exclude courses that meet on certain days. For example, if you need to select a course that meets on weekends, select the SA and SU check boxes.
Meets ONLY on these days Select this check box if you want the search to be limited to courses that meet on the days you selected in the Week check boxes.
Classes starting between Use the time boxes to find a course that begins within a specific time range. For example, to find only evening courses, you might select a start time between 6:00 pm and 11:00 pm. The "Any" settings allows courses scheduled at any time to appear in the Search Results panel.
Search After you have set the search criteria, click Search to display the results in the Search results panel.
Reset Click this button to reset the search criteria.