Selected Courses Panel
The Selected Courses panel displays selected courses in a table format. Each row displays information specific to the course on that row.
Each column represents a data field. For each section the following fields are displayed:
Select - This check box indicates if the course is displayed on the calendar.
Action - Use the icons to place a course on a wait list, reserve a course, drop a course, or remove it from the Selected Courses panel.
Course - The course code is used to identify a course. When you click a course code, a monthly calendar is displayed with the course dates identified.
Sec - A number that represents the section for that course. The same course may be offered in multiple sections with different instructors, different class times, or different rooms.
CR - The number of credits earned upon successful completion of the course. If the section is configured to allow the student to select variable credits, the value is displayed in a drop-down list from which the desired credit value can be selected. The initial value is the "normal" credit value for the section.
Campus - Indicates if the section is offered on campus
or online
Location - Displays the building and or room where the section meets.
Delivery Method - Indicates the delivery method (for example, lecture, lab, online, externship).
Instructor - The name of the instructor teaching the section.
Seating - Consists of two or three numbers.
The first number is the number of seats available for registration in the course section.
The second number displays the maximum number of students that can register in that course section.
The optional third number shows the number of students who are wait listed for the course section.
When the section is full, students may be register to placed on the wait list in the event a seat becomes available.
Status - The status file will be one of the following:
Selected - the course has been selected for registration.
Waitlist - the class is full or not offered at a convenient time for your schedule, so you have elected to be placed on a wait list for that class to see if a spot opens up or a scheduling change is made.
Reserved - This class is not part of your enrollment but you have a reserved seat in case you want to add it. A clock icon appears to indicate when your reservation will expire.
Registered - the class is already part of your enrollment
Pending Drop - the class will be dropped when you finish the online registration process.
Reason - The reason for either unregistering a course or withdrawing from a course.
Note: If the Reason column is already populated with a value, you can click on the link within the column and a new pop-up window will appear allowing you to change the value.
To drop a selected course click the
Remove icon. Depending on the Portal configuration, you may be prompted to select a reason when you select this icon.
To reserve a selected course, click the
Reserve icon.
Once you have selected the desired courses, click Proceed to Final Step at the top of the Selected Courses panel or click the 3 - Register button near the top of the page to proceed to Step 3 - Register.
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