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Ivy Tech Community College is committed to enabling our hardworking students to finish their programs and find high-value careers in growing fields. The eight goals of our strategic plan outline how we will achieve our vision of students earning 50,000 high-quality certifications, certificates, or degrees annually.

The state of Indiana has adopted the Big Goal: have 60% of the state’s workforce equipped with a high-value, post-secondary degree or credential by 2025. Ivy Tech is leading the way with state, business, and community partners to help achieve the Big Goal. Dr. Sue Ellspermann, President, Ivy Tech Community College, shares Ivy Tech’s role.




Core Values

Student Success Commitments

Ensure every student persists towards their educational objective. 

Ivy Tech Community College has one primary purpose: to engage all students so they successfully launch or expand their careers, or educational opportunities, upon certificate or degree completion. Together, faculty and staff are committed to educational and career-oriented success. Ivy Tech strives to help students move through programs efficiently, passing courses on the first attempt and persisting through to certificate or degree completion. In addition, Ivy Tech will find ways to expand selective admissions and high-demand programs while balancing student aspirations and workforce needs. 

Strategy 1.1 - Ensure basic needs of students are met.

Strategy 1.2 - Support students to succeed in gateway courses on first attempt.

Strategy 1.3 - Expand capacity for high-demand selective admission programs.

Strategy 1.4 - Ensure that students’ educational pathways provide for continuous enrollment through completion based upon their timeframe.

Strategy 1.5 - Support students to intentionally engage with the College leading to individual academic and career success.

Strategy 1.6 - Utilize technology to promote student success.


Metric Year 1 Target Year 5 Target (2023)
Fall to Spring Retention 70% 80%
Fall to Fall Retention 50% 60%

Recruit and enroll Hoosiers from every demographic into high-demand/high-wage career pathways. 

Ivy Tech Community College welcomes those interested in furthering their education or advancing their careers. Students of all ages, backgrounds, interests, and education levels can earn any of the College’s broad-ranging degree and certificate options. Ivy Tech will actively recruit students into high-value programs, placing them on a pathway to high-demand, high-wage jobs within their communities. The College will purposefully work with those students to enroll them in the right program, classes, and schedule to meet their diverse needs. 

Strategy 2.1 - Build a cross-functional team among workforce alignment, enrollment services, and K-12 to focus on enrollment.

Strategy 2.2 - Execute campus-specific strategic enrollment management plans.

Strategy 2.3 - Ensure potential students continue through enrollment to completion.

Strategy 2.4 - Intentionally increase the number of applicants who intend to enroll.


Metric Year 1 Target Year 5 Target (2023)
Revenue Generating Headcount 100,472 119,787
Revenue Generating Recruits 50,598 56,122

Students earn 50,000 high-quality certificates, certifications, and degrees annually. 

Ivy Tech Community College is committed to seeing students through to completion and will provide intentional academic advising to students so they can choose a career or higher education pathway from the beginning of their college experience. Ivy Tech will quantify the value of certificates in the workplace, expedite the time to completion through enhanced scheduling, streamline Prior Learning Assessment, and increase the understanding of the value of a credential, both long- and short-term. 

Strategy 3.1 - Ensure students receive intentional advising to make well-informed decisions toward attaining their educational and career goals.

Strategy 3.2 - Actualize a seamless K-14 system.

Strategy 3.3 - Focus completion efforts on stacked associate degrees.

Strategy 3.4 - Increase the number of reverse transfer degrees awarded.

Strategy 3.5 - Close equity gaps in completion.


Metric Year 1 Target Year 5 Target (2023)
Total Credentials Earned 23,000 50,000
Percent of Students Completing (100% Timeframe) 8% 22%
Percent of Students Completing (150% Timeframe) 16% 30%
Percent of Students Completing (300% Timeframe) 19% 35%

Students are placed into and succeed in high-demand, high-wage jobs. 

By 2025, employers in Indiana will need to fill one million high-demand, high-wage jobs. Approximately half of those jobs will require a high-quality, post-secondary degree or certificate. Ivy Tech Community College will play a central role in preparing Indiana’s workforce by being student-centric, demand-driven, and aligned with the state’s key economic sectors. 

Strategy 4.1 - Ensure campuses focus on high-wage, high-demand jobs by offering the right programs at the right places.

Strategy 4.2 - Increase work-and-learn experiences for all programs related to high-wage, high-demand jobs.

Strategy 4.3 - Engage employers to ensure job placements meet workforce needs.

Strategy 4.4 - Develop and scale a career coaching model statewide.

Strategy 4.5 - Operationalize a career action plan (CAP) for every student.


Metric Year 1 Target Year 5 Target (2023)
High-Demand/Low-Supply Completions (Growing) 70% 10%
High-Demand/Limited Enrollment Completions (Capped) 12.5% 5%
Low-Demand/High-Supply Completions (Shrinking) 7.5% 5%
Demand/Supply Equilibrium Completions (Equilibrium) 10% 80%
Median Wages at Year One (Percent Above State Median) 41% 80%

Become known as a great place to work. 

Ivy Tech Community College faculty and staff are the most critical resources on campus. They enable student success, respond to employer needs, and help Ivy Tech make a difference within their communities. It is incumbent upon the College to recruit and retain high-performing talent, provide venues for creativity, and increase innovation. Ivy Tech will adopt a model to attract, retain, and develop a cadre of diverse faculty focused on student engagement. 

Strategy 5.1 - Increase retention of high-performing, diverse, and talented employees.

Strategy 5.2 - Foster creativity and increase innovation in faculty and staff.

Strategy 5.3 - Recruit high-performing, diverse, and talented employees.

Strategy 5.4 - Build a world-class adjunct faculty model.

Strategy 5.5 - Improve communication among employees.


Metric Year 1 Target Year 5 Target (2023)
Employee Engagement and Insights Survey 72 76

Ensure the institution has sufficient financial resources to achieve our mission. 

Ivy Tech Community College is a good steward of state tax dollars and keeps tuition affordable to best serve its students. Simultaneously, the institution requires sufficient financial resources to achieve its mission. The College’s funding model must align with the funding support and educational objectives of the State of Indiana. Adopting an outcomes-based budgeting model will ensure financial viability. Ivy Tech will diversify revenue sources by attracting and securing external funding and leveraging capital assets to support students and campus communities. 

Strategy 6.1 - Attract and secure more philanthropic funding.

Strategy 6.2 - Right-size our physical presence.

Strategy 6.3 - Invest strategically in student success.

Strategy 6.4 - Facilitate a hassle-free student business experience.

Strategy 6.5 - Secure and safeguard financial resources for the college.

Strategy 6.6 - Seamlessly support employees college-wide.


Metric Year 1 Target Year 5 Target (2023)
Reserves: Days on Hand 180 Days 180 Days
Reserves: Percent Annual Growth 3% 3%
Total Dollars Raised (Foundation and Grants) $52.3M $64.3M

Effectively engage with and serve our unique communities. 

Ivy Tech Community College campuses are integral to the communities they serve. In addition to providing education and career opportunities to students, campuses are filled with talented faculty, staff, and students interested in serving their communities. The campuses have facilities, equipment, and gathering spaces. Fully engaging campus personnel and resources as partners and collaborators will help communities deal with their most pressing needs and realize their fullest potential. Ivy Tech is committed to putting more “community” in community college. 

Strategy 7.1 - Work collaboratively with our community leaders.

Strategy 7.2 - Engage directly with each community’s most pressing needs.

Strategy 7.3 - Leverage best practices across campuses.

Strategy 7.4 - Develop clear policy to function as one College community


Metric Year 1 Target Year 5 Target (2023)
Community Satisfaction Survey 8.0 8.0

Establish a sustainable culture of diversity, equity, and belonging

 Goal 8 will establish a sustainable culture of diversity, equity and belonging. It now includes five strategies, which were developed with input from faculty, staff, and students from around the state.

Strategy 8.1 - Eliminate systemic inequities for students.

Strategy 8.2 - Leverage leadership's power and privilege to drive positive change.

Strategy 8.3 - Implement new structures to ensure faculty and staff diversity.

Strategy 8.4 - Increase diversity in leadership.

Strategy 8.5 - Ensure everyone in our college community feels they belong.


Metric Year 1 Target Year 5 Target (2023)
Reduce Equity Gap in Conversion (white students to students of color) -1% to 7.0% -4% to 4.0%
Reduce Equity Gap in Fall to Fall Retention (white students to students of color) -0.3% to 6.2% -2.5% to 3.0%
Reduce Equity Gap in 100% Completion Rate (white students to students of color) -1% to 5.4% -3.4% to 3%
Reduce Equity Gap in 200% Completion Rate (white students to students of color) -0.6% to 6.5% -3.3% to 3.8%
Belonging Score (from Employee Engagement and Insights Survey) 0+ 0+
Campus Affirmative Action Plans Complete Each campus will create a plan by 10/1/2020. TBD